Healthcare Practitioner Area

Utipro® Plus AF is a Class IIa Medical Device, for oral use containing a combination of Xyloglucan + Gelose, Hibiscus + Propolis extracts

Medical Guidelines For the Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Women

Due to the global rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), there is a continued drive for antibiotic stewardship and more prudent prescribing of antibiotics.1 Several clinical practice guidelines recommend the consideration of antibiotic free therapies for the management of both acute and
recurrent urinary tract infections.1 2 3

Acute Lower
Uncomplicated UTIs (cystitis)

Consider antibiotic free approach and delaying antibiotic use for 48  hours in patients under 65 years of age¹ ̕² ³

If symptoms worsen or do not improve within 48 hours, a back up antibiotic prescription is indicated

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Prevention of
Recurrent UTIs

Antibiotic free options can be offered as a prophylaxis to patients with  recurrent UTIs1 4 5

How does Utipro® Plus AF work?

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Xyloglucan is a mucoprotectant of plant origin.6Its fibrous composition makes it resistant to digestion.  When it arrives in the large intestine, its viscoelastic properties allow it to form a protective layer over the surface of the intestinal mucosa, reinforcing the integrity of the intestinal barrier.This reduces the adhesion of uropathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall, which in turn reduces growth and proliferation of bacteria in the intestine.6The overall effect reduces transmission of bacteria outside of the intestine which may prevent  infection of the urinary tract.6
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Hibiscus & Propolis

Hibiscus, a type of plant and Propolis, a compound produced by bees both contain organic acids that mildly decrease urinary pH in the bladder.6Infected urine contains large amounts of nitrite. Acidification of nitrite results in the formation of nitric oxide (NO) which creates an unfavourable environment for bacterial growth, helping to eliminate bacteria and control symptoms of cystitis.6
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Why breaking the cycle of UTIs can start with your intestine?

The majority of uncomplicated UTIs originate from bacteria in the large intestine, making it an important target for the prevention of recurrent infections.6
Utipro Plus AF is currently the only non antibiotic treatment approach that effectively targets the source of infection in the intestine by creating a protective layer that reduces the growth of bacteria and their subsequent ascent into the bladder.6

Demonstrated efficacy in published clinical trials and published scientific papers for both acute and recurrent urinary tract infections.

Utipro Plus AF Logo

Reduced the use of antibiotics. 9 out of 10 patients did not require antibiotics with Utipro®6

Improved Symptoms

Utipro® improved the symptoms associated with acute cystitis after 5 days of treatment, compared to a placebo, reducing need for antibiotic treatment.6
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Provided relief from the onset6

Utipro® provided rapid relief of symptoms

  • Fast decrease in pain during urination


  • Fast relief from the urgency to urinate


Download the Utipro® Plus AF brochure now

Significantly reduced UTI relapses after 6 months7

Utipro® reduced patient relapses of UTIs after 6 months.

Utipro Acute Cystosis Icon

2 Caps x 5 Days

For Acute Cystitis

From the development of the first symptoms of urinary discomfort.
Take 2 capsules per day (1 capsule every 12 hours) for 5 days.

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1 Caps x 15 Days

For Recurrent UTIs

To prevent recurrence, take 1 capsule per day for 15 consecutive days per month.
Treatment can be repeated in cycles to prevent recurrences.

If a UTI occurs during a 15 day cycle or the 15 days break.

Utipro Plus AF should be taken from the first signs of symptoms of an infection, regardless of where you are on the cycle. After 5 days of treatment with 2 capsules a day, start the cycle again and continue to take 1 capsule a day for 15 consecutive days


  1. Betschart C, Albrich WC, Brandner S et al. Guideline of the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) on acute and recurrent urinary tract infections in women, including pregnancy. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020;150:w20236
  2. Health Service Executive. Antibiotic Prescribing. Uncomplicated UTI in Adult Non-Pregnant Females.
  3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (5). Urinary tract infection(2): antimicrobial prescribing.
  4. Health Service Executive. Antibiotic Prescribing. Recurrent UTI in Adult, Non-Pregnant Females.
  5. Naber KG, Bonkat G, Wagenlehner FME. The EAU and AUA/CUA/SUFU Guidelines on Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections: What is the Difference? Eur Urol. 2020 Nov;78(5):645-646.
  6. Garcia-Larrosa, A.; Alexe, O. Efficacy and Safety of a Medical Device versus Placebo in the Early Treatment of Patients with Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin. Microbiol. 2016, 5, 1
  7. Salvatorelli, N.; Garcia-Larrosa, A.; Allegrini, A.; Pavone, D. A New Approach to the Treatment of Uncomplicated Cystitis: Results of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Urol. Int. 2016, 97, 347–351.

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